I want to talk about babies because after becoming a mom I have learned so much about babies that sometimes I think it’s too much. When I become a mom I start to realize that I’m responsible for her.

Probably not everyone knows that at birth it takes the baby between five and 10 minutes to get used to something new, but by 3 months it will only take between 30 seconds and two minutes. And at 6 months,  baby will adjust in less than 30 seconds or that the touch is one of  baby’s most advanced senses at birth and even premature babies born as early as 25 weeks are aware of being touched. Baby’s sense of touch develops from head to toe, so her mouth is the first region to become sensitive, which is why young babies put everything in their mouths. Baby could sense how mom were feeling even in the womb! Researchers asked pregnant moms to listen to various types of music through headphones and then measured their babies’ movements with ultrasound. Most babies became more active when the music was on, especially if their mum was listening to music she liked. What is fascinating is that the babies could not hear the music ‘ it was only audible to the moms, so the babies were responding to their moms’ emotional responses to the music.